Monday, December 1, 2014

Social Justice Project: Justice and Injustice in the News/ The Michael Brown Case

I read a New York Times article from Wednesday, November 27th, 2014, about police reaction to the riots in Ferguson. The riots were going on because Officer Darren Wilson did not get indicted. It details about how officers tried to break up the riots. On August 9th, 2014, Michael Brown was on his way to Dorian Johnson’s house after what appeared  to have been shoplifting cigarettes. He was walking in the middle of the street with his pal when he was stopped by a police car whose driver, Officer Wilson, told him to get “the f*** out of the road,”(or something along those lines, witnesses say.) He continued to walk. And at this point the story splits.
Officer Wilson’s family and friends say that Brown attacked the officer, pushing him back into the car, and the officer felt his life was being threatened. He fired a few shots, the one killing him being the last of several. This is supported by blood on the seats of Wilson’s car. 
Brown’s family, supporters, and Dorian Johnson, the person walking with him, say something completely different. They said that at some point, after a couple of shots were fired with Brown outside of the car, he put his hands up and was believed to say,”O.K.,O.K.,O.K.,” meaning that he was going to surrender.

After Wilson was not indicted, there have been protests going on in Ferguson, and the police have been trying to stop them. This is a cause for outrage, though, because according to my morals, when an eighteen-year-old boy is shot dead by a grown man, may it be after shoplifting or not, this is murder, and killing someone is never okay. No matter what the circumstances, when a human being has killed another human being, they should get life in prison. The fact that this officer got no sentence whatsoever is very alarming to me.  

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